International Conference on Communication Systems and Informatics ICCSI 2022 will host researchers and technologists from industry and academia in Palestine and all over the world to present their latest research results in fields of Communication Systems and Informatics . The audience of the conference and the participants will be university professors, graduate students, professional engineers who are interested in learning about trends of technology in research. The proceedings will be a reference material and will be published with papers’ contents. The accepted full papers will be included in the conference proceedings that will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore. Papers will be presented orally either by attending the conference or electronically via video conferencing.
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline : January 31, 2022
Author decision notification: February 10, 2022
Final paper submission deadline: February 28, 2022
Conference date: March 28-29, 2022
International Conference on Communication Systems and Informatics
ICCSI 2022 will host researchers and technologists from industry and academia in Palestine and all over the world to present their latest research results in communication systems and informatics. The audience of the conference and the participants will be university professors, graduate students, professional engineers who are interested in learning about trends of technology in research. The conference is concerned with all topics under the field of communications and informatics. The proceedings will be a reference material and will be published with papers’ contents. The accepted full papers will be included in the conference proceedings that will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore. Papers will be presented orally either by attending the conference or electronically via video conferencing.